STAIKA Comes ICFASS24 and IPRC 2024 in UniSZA Malaysia

STAIKA comes ICFASS2024 (International Conference on Fundamental Studies & Social Sciences 2024) on 24th – 25 the August 2024 by the theme “Harmony in Diversity: Integrating Perspectives for Progressive Global Discourse” in University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).

This event was also a follow-up visit from the Communication Forum Komunikasi Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta (FKPTKIS) Jawa Tengah and Prof. Dr. H. Rokhmadi, M.Ag (Sekretaris Kopertais Wilayah X Semarang) as well as representatives from several private universities in Central Java.
STAIKA becomes on of the participants of ICFASS24 which be presented by Vice Chairman II Mrs. Siti Rosyidah. This conference is opened by Pro-Choncellar University Sultan Zainal Abidin YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Mohd Yusof Hj MD Nor and the Welcoming Speech by the Vice Chancellor of UniSZA YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Fadzli Adam.

Staika on Malaysia

In his remarks he also said that “Throughout the conference program, have the opportunity to engage in stimulating discussions, exchange insights, and make meaningful connections with colleagues from around the world. We encourage you to actively participate in these sessions, share your research findings, and contribute to the collective quest for knowledge and understanding.” He emphasized.

This conference provides a platform for academicians, researchers, professionals, intellectuals and scholars from various fields and disciplines to debate and discuss the current issues worldwide as well as finding solutions to the problems, exchange and share knowledge and information, establish business or research relationships and find global partners for future collaboration. It is also an ideal opportunity to showcase research findings and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

As a shared spirit, Miss Rosi, Siti Rosyidah’s nickname, said “This experience is not for me alone, but it is the beginning of a change in thinking by integrating various scientific perspectives, with the aim of catalyzing innovative thinking and advancing solutions to complex global challenges”. She said.

Sebagai spirit bersama, Miss Rosi sapaan akrab Ibu Siti Rosyidah menyampaikan “Pengalaman ini tidak serta untuk saya sendiri, akan tetapi menjadi awal perubahan pemikiran dengan mengintegrasikan beragam perspektif keilmuan yang dimiliki, dengan tujuan untuk mengkatalisasi pemikiran inovatif dan memajukan solusi terhadap tantangan global yang kompleks”. Tuturnya.


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